Sami wants me to tell you about her tumble she had this evening.
Sami was on a chair trying to reach the bubble gum that mom put high up on a shelf so she wouldnt reach it. She slipped and came tumbling down but on the way down, the right side of her face hit our dvd holder and it gave her a little gash a little below and to the side of her eye. The bubble gum went flying and she came running outside to me (I was watering the lawn). She cried and cried and cried. I told her she might need stitches and she promptly stopped crying and said it wasnt that bad. ha ha
We have patched her up and we took some pictures and she wants to share them. We didnt take her to the er. Didnt have a car and I dont think it was that bad.
Now to figure out how to add pictures...........
Sami I hope you feel better soon. You and Abbie can be twins, she got cut on her cheek too.. same cheek. She had to get stitches :(
Haha, she looks pretty excited to show off her battle wound.
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